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African Unit 14

Disability in Africa

Name: Jorem Awadu

College: Michigan State University

Discipline: Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education

Module Title: “Disability in Africa”

Narrative Description of the Module: This course is designed to increase the student’s awareness, sensitivity, and understanding of the individual, social, cultural, political, and legal aspects of disability in Africa. Students will explore various disability issues people in Africa experience as well as how they and their families are impacted by disability. The ultimate goal is to produce students who are knowledgeable about aspects related to disability in Africa. A variety of instructional methods including discussion, lecture, multimedia, and experiential learning opportunities will be utilized to assist students to develop the following competencies:

  1. Recognize how disability is understood in the African context
  2. Develop awareness of the various disability issues in Africa
  3. Increase knowledge of methods for promoting the social equality/inclusion of people with disabilities in education, employment, healthcare, housing and recreation.
  4. Develop an understanding of the concept of intersectionality as it relates to disability in Africa.
  5. Learn about the models of disability as well as how they apply to Africa.
  6. Explore the impact of disability on the individual with a disability, family and community.

Course Syllabus
Course Syllabus
Education and Employment


  1. Implementing the World Report on Disability in West Africa
  2. Effect of Socio-economic Factors in Utilization of Different Healthcare Services Among Older Adult Men and Women in Ghana
  3. Stigma, Discrimination, & Marginalization: Gateways to Oppression of Persons with Disabilities in Ghana, West Africa
  4. Education on an Equal Basis" A Comparison of Persons With and Without Disabilities in South Africa
  5. Barriers to and Facilitators of Employment for People with Psychiatric Disabilities in Africa: A Scoping Review
  6. Access to Health Care for Persons with Disabilities in Rural South Africa
  7. Perceived Barriers for Accessing Health Services Among Individuals with Disability in Four African Countries
  8. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use: Influence of Patients' Satisfaction with Medical Treatment among Breast Cancer Patients at Uganda Cancer Institute
  9. Cultural Embeddedness of Health, Illness, and Healing: Prospects for Integrating Indigenous and Western Healing Practices
  10. Disability and Access to Health Care - A Community Based Descriptive Study
  11. Disability and HIV in Africa: Breaking the Barriers to Sexual Health Care
  12. Ghanaian Traditional and Faith Healers' Explanatory Models of Intellectual Disability
  13. Parents' and Professionals' Perceptions on Causes and Treatment Options for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in a Multicultural Context on the Kenyan Coast
  14. Prevalence and Determinants of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Provider use among Adults from 32 Countries
  15. 'Whether you like it or not people with mental problems are going to go to them': A Qualitative Exploration in the Widespread use of Traditional and Faith Healer in the Provision of Mental Health Care in Ghana