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African Unit 9

Timbuktu – Center of Knowledge

Name: Layla Azmi Goushey

College: St Louis Community College - Forest Park

Discipline: English and Interdisciplinary Studies

Module Title: “Timbuktu - center of Knowledge”

Narrative Description of the Module:

A focus on the significance of Timbuktu, Mali as an historic center of knowledge. Current information on historic manuscripts of Timbuktu will be examined.

Educational Objectives of the Module

  1. Students will be able to describe the importance of trade routes to the development of Timbuktu, Mali as a knowledge center.
  2. Students will be able to describe the importance of Islam to the development of Timbuktu, Mali as a knowledge center.
  3. Students will be able to describe significant manuscripts of the Timbuktu, Mali document collection.
  4. Students will understand Timbuktu as an historic center of learning that contributed to Global knowledge development.
  5. Students will be able to describe the lives of significant individuals who brought news of Timbuktu to the rest of the world.

Detailed outline of main themes (with accompanying content notes) to be included in the Lectures/Discussions Used to Implement the Module
  1. Niger River history
  2. Berbers
  3. Salt Traded for Gold
  4. Manuscript Project

Student Readings (links to sites where readings can be accessed electronically or by purchase)

  1. Kane, O. (2016). Beyond timbuktu: An intellectual history of muslim west africa. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
  2. Timbuktu: Home of sankoré university. (2016). The Journal of Pan African Studies (Online), 9(9), 269-271.
Student Evaluation/Testing Regarding the Module
  1. Research Paper – Student should extend the resources discussed in class by doing his or her own research.
  2. Power Point Presentation – Presentation of research findings.
Resources (Bibliography) Used to Develop-Implement the Module (where feasible provide links to where resources can be accessed electronically)
  1. BBC The Lost Libraries of Timbuktu. (2018). Retrieved from
  2. Benin and other West African kingdoms. (2018). Retrieved from
  3. Insoll, T. A. (2000). Trade & empire: The road to timbuktu. Archaeology, 53(6), 48.
  4. Kane, O. (2016). Beyond timbuktu: An intellectual history of muslim west africa. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
  5. Mali profile. (2018). Retrieved from
  6. Mansa Musa and Islam in Africa: Crash Course World History #16. (2018). Retrieved from
  7. Timbuktu : Documentary on the Legendary Historical City (Full Documentary). (2018). Retrieved from
  8. Timbuktu: Home of sankoré university. (2016). The Journal of Pan Afrian Studies (Online), 9(9), 269-271.